Cecil Dobson

Corporal Cecil Dobson, Royal Garrison Artillery, 160th Siege Battery, Regimental Number 83418, was wounded in action in France on 2nd September, 1918, and died in Birmingham General Hospital on 25th November, 1918.

His Family

Cecil was one of eleven children born to John Henry Dobson (born 28th March 1859) and Sara Florence Lyons (born 29th January, 1861).

His father was known as Henry and came from Wilton, near Pickering in North Yorkshire. He joined the Police at the age of 24 at Hammersmith, London, and transferred to Chatham in the following year. Sarah was born in Stapleford, just south of Cambridge, although records vary between this, Great Shelford, Shelford, and Gogmagog (the name of the small hills in this area). They probably met in London as, in 1881, she was one of 14 servants at 40 Portman Square, the home of Sir Michael Edward Hicks Beach,1 1st Earl St Aldwyn, and his wife Lady Lucy Catherine Fortescue, daughter of Hugh Fortescue, 3rd Earl Fortescue. Sarah was Second Nurse and would have had responsibilities looking after the four Beach children, aged at this time between 5 and 1 years. The two-year-old, Susan, would later become the sitter representing Britannia on the reverse of the Edward VII silver florins.

Cecil with his parents and his fiancée. Although undated, his two stripes with insignia above shows he was a full corporal and must mean this was taken sometime after 11th July 1918 when he attained this rank. https://livesofthefirstworldwar.iwm.org.

Constable Dobson’s duties on the beat before he was moved to Chatham were only 3 miles away from Sarah’s home and workplace. Despite Henry’s two years in the Medway district, the relationship survived and they were married in the grand surroundings of St. George’s, Hanover Square, on the 81th July, 1885. They settled in Waltham Abbey and in just over one year their first child was born. It was to become a large family:

  • Henry, b.1886, d.1973
  • William, b. 1888, d.1889
  • Cecil, b.1889, d.1918
  • Florence Emma, b. 1892
  • Jane Grace, b.1893, d.1983
  • Edith, b.1895, d.1978
  • Robert Victor, b.1897
  • Frank, b.1899, d.1979
  • Ellen Agnes, b.1901, d.1975
  • Alec James, b.1904, d.1975
  • Ivy Allanson, b.1905, d.1905

All the children were born in Waltham Abbey, then a small village surrounded by open countryside. The family home at 38 Greenfield Street must have been very crowded as it was a small two-bedroomed yellow brick terrace house—certainly a far cry from Portman Square.

Cecil, and presumably his brothers, attended Waltham Abbey Boys’ Council School, also known as the Board School2 in Milton Street. It was only two streets away from the family home.

Cecil, having shown great promise as a pupil, was retained after normal leaving age and given a small wage as a pupil-teacher. Thus, at the age of sixteen, he began his journey into the teaching profession. It may be that he was encouraged down this career path by his policeman-father who had been brought up in a schoolmaster’s household in North Yorkshire.3

At some point before the 1911 census, the family had moved 2 miles to 19 College Road, Cheshunt. Cecil was still living at home, along with father, mother and 7 siblings—Henry and William (25 and 23) having flown the nest. Cecil had become an assistant teacher, though he is listed as a ‘school teacher’. His younger sister Jane is marked ‘School Student Scholarship’ but it is unclear whether this is a pupil-teacher scholarship or a general scholarship. Father Henry, now 2 years retired and on his police constable’s pension of £58 5s. 4d. per annum, is augmenting his income by working for the County Council as a School Attendance Officer.

Cecil was probably given his promotion to assistant teacher at the age of eighteen (September 1907) as new 1905 regulations restricted pupil teachers to a two-year appointment. His later college Student Record shows that his promotion kept him at the Board School. He would continue to teach at this school until the end of the 1910-1911 school year before taking the next step towards certificated teacher status: formal training. His college entrance exams (Preliminary Examination for the Certificate and Certificate Examination, passed in 1908 and 1910 respectively) show that he had an aptitude for science, in which he gained a Distinction. He had also gained a separate First Class pass in Elementary Chemistry.

To Winchester Training College, 1911-1913

The College in 1905, taken by John Evelyn Leslie Wrench. Public Domain.

Students would have a fairly rigorous timetable that regulated most of their day, and this included morning and evening Chapel services. The curriculum was broad. At the centre were the mainstays of what today we call numeracy and literacy, but lectures would encompass art, psychology, hygiene, literary criticism, history, music, science, psychology, education, and speech. Extended periods of practical teaching were also undertaken at one of the local Practising Schools.

There are snapshots of the more recreation side of student life at College in the student publication The Wintonian. It is here we find that Cecil had a poetic streak. Two of his poems were reproduced in full. Cecil’s first Wintonian poem is a composition with more than a faint echo of Longfellow:

The People of the Mist or The Water Babies
(On view every night at 10 p.m.)

Seeking peace, one night I wandered,
Wandered down a darkened passage,
Hearing nothing, save my footsteps
Echoing on the stony floor.
Then unto mine ears came floating
Music, mellowed by the distance,
Mystic music, soft and charming,
Banishing all carking care.

So I hastened to a cavern
Whence did come the blissful music,
To a cavern wreathed in vapour
Where the splashing of the waters
Mingled with enchanting singing,
Singing of sweet songs in ragtime,
Singing merry College ditties.
How I wished to enter there!

As I listened, time unheeding,
Stopped, the rushing of the waters
Stayed the sound of music pleasing
And weird sounds began arising
Like the sound of porpoise snorting,
Like the croaks of frogs a-croaking.
Then I heard some sweet voice asking,
Where’s the soap!

Whilst I wondered how to enter,
Came along the blythe curator,
Told me in his gentlest  whisper
How I might these gay realms enter,
Realms of mystery and song.
These the words he told me, whispering,
Rise up early in the morning,
Early when the first bell’s ringing,
Dress with haste and dress with speed.

Write thy name here, write it clearly,
State thy name, – the day, – the time;
Then, Oh Unwashed, thou shalt revel
In these watery joys divine.

As College days drew to a close, the friendships Cecil had forged there would not fade. In 1874 an association of old students—the Winton Club—had been formed, providing reunion meetings to keep those ties and to remember shared times. To give a taste of the Club, it is worth repeating the report of the inaugural meeting in full:

lt has long been the wish of the national schoolmasters and others who have been trained at this College to form a society or club, in order that they might meet together occasionally, and thus, by mutual intercourse, preserve old friendships and show a more real appreciation of their place of education. This year a committee of old students (schoolmasters) was formed, and a successful attempt to set on foot such a society has been the result. A large party of schoolmasters, formerly trained at the Winchester Training College, met on Friday at the College, and afterwards sat down to an excellent cold collation provided by Mr. Grant, of the Old Market Hotel. The Principal (the Rev. C. Collier, M.A.) was chairman, and the Vice-Principal (Mr. C. G. Brown), vice-chairman. About forty were present. The loyal toasts of The Queen, Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family, were duly honoured, and Archdeacon Jacob responded to that of The Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese; and Mr. Hunt and Mr. Smith for The Army, Navy, and Volunteers. The Board of the W. D. Training College was proposed by Mr. Atkins, of the Central Schools, Winchester, and was responded to by the Rev. W. Midwinter. The health of the former principal (the Rev. J. Smith) was proposed by Archdeacon Jacob, and responded to by Mr. Smith. That of The present Principal, by Mr. Bush, of Botley School, and duly and effectively spoken to by the rev. chairman. The Masters (past and present). proposed by Mr. Brummell, of Woking was responded to by Mr. Carter and Mr. Brown. Success to the Winchester Training College was proposed by Mr. Sandford, of Alverstoke, and Success to the Winton Club by Mr. Orchard, of the Training College, the latter being responded to by Mr. Maidment, were the last on the list, the whole having been interspersed with glees4 sung by the students, concluding with Auld lang syne. The members of the committee and their indefatigable secretary may be congratulated on their success. The club has now a fair start, and it is hoped that next year, when the addresses of the old students become better known to the committee, there will be a still larger meeting; and necessitate a resort to the New Guildhall for the gathering.

Hampshire Advertiser, Wednesday 2nd September, 1874

Small, geographical expressions of Winton Club were formed for convenience and we find that

On Friday March 13th,5 the 11-13 men resident in and around London held their first reunion. Those present were Burt, Dobson, Eason, Hotten, Moore A R, Wootton, and Wilson.

Old students valued their time at the College and often looked back on days there with fondness and wistfulness. The Wintonian carries the thoughts of one student which illustrate this sentiment:

Thus we are about to leave this dear old place. The two years that have passed will never be forgotten, and our doing here will soon be existing only in remembrance.

College records show that on leaving at the end of his course, Cecil took up a teaching post at County School, Chingford, Essex, commencing in September 1913 and where he would teach until the War.

Into Action

Cecil on the left and brother Frank, Royal Fusiliers, on the right. Taken at Easter, 1918.

Cecil’s Army Records survive. This gives us a good insight into his life in khaki. He enlisted twice. First of all, on 20th March, 1915, he joined the Territorial 3/5th Battalion London Royal Army Medical Corps (Regimental Number 2158); then, at Cooden Camp, Bexhill, he enlisted into the regular army as Gunner with the Royal Garrison Artillery (Regimental Number 83418) on 15th May, 1916. This was quite in order and, as ever, there was an Army form to meet the occasion which made his first enlistment non-effective. His medical report shows that he was 5 feet 8½ inches in height, weighed 8st. 10lbs., had a 35½ inch chest, perfect vision, good physical development but a slightly dilated heart.

It was at Cooden Camp that Cecil was trained in ‘Plotting and Observation of Fire’ and was passed as ‘Very Good’ on 30th June, 1916. This was to become his role in the conflict. He was part of 160th Siege Battery of the Royal Garrison Artillery. Siege Batteries were equipped with the biggest guns in the Army, heavy howitzers of 6, 8, 9.2 and even some 12-inch calibre, sending high explosive shells in high trajectory fire. As tactics developed, the Siege Batteries were most often employed in destroying enemy artillery, strongpoints, dumps, stores, roads and railways, behind enemy lines.

The scale of the operation was enormous. Gunner Frank Carter, a teacher in civilian life and a fellow-member of Cecil’s 160th Siege Battery, wrote home,

I calculate that since we came out in September 1916 our battery alone has fired at least a hundred thousand rounds of shell. That means that we have used nearly five thousand tons of steel. One battery, remember, out of thousands that are out here.

Hartley, J. Bully Beef and Biscuits: Food in the Great War. The calculations suggest the Battery were using 6-inch howitzers (100lb. shells).

The Records give us a skeleton of main events in Cecil’s war with the 160th Battery RGA, but not details of any actions:

  • Home 15th May to 17th September, 1916
  • Promoted to Bombadier6 29th August 1916
  • Embarked at Southampton 18th September 1916
  • Landed at Le Harvre 19th September 1916
  • Acting Corporal 21st August, 1917 to 31st December, 1917.
  • Leave to England September 1917 (5 days) and March 1918 (9 days)
  • April 1918: 18 days seconded to the RAF
  • Acting Corporal 24th April to 14th June, 2018
  • Promotion to Corporal 11th July 1918

This timeline does not record a major event in his personal life: at some point he became engaged to be married. Since engagement has no legal status it is almost always absent from official documentation and, sadly, in this case, we do not know the name of his fiancée (for photograph see above).

The secondment to the RAF in the military timeline is of particular interest. In early September, during the Second Battle of Somme, Cecil’s Battery was shelling the Péronne area: 

About 1600 rounds on Harassing and Bombardment and 420 on C.B. [Creeping Barrage] work. PERONNE and neighbouring targets again engaged from 5.30am to 7.10am in support of Infantry operations. Many have recently been engaged at request of 15th Australian Infantry Brigade whose front we cover and with which we have a Liason [sic] officer. 

The ruins of Péronne after shelling. Taken on 2nd September 1918. Copyright IWM.
The diary notes that they were using observers in tethered balloons and it would appear that Cecil had received training in balloon observation.

On Monday the 2nd of September 1918 Cecil was severely wounded. He received a gunshot wound in the right thigh which had severed the femur, causing a compound fracture. He is not mentioned in the day’s diary by name, only that 160th Siege Battery had 4 Other Ranks killed and 3 wounded.

He was immediately evacuated to Rouen Hospital, arriving there the following day. His family were immediately informed that he was dangerously ill but that permission to visit was denied (see copy of telegram, above). On September 6th he was returned to England on the hospital ship SS Panama and immediately transferred to Birmingham General Hospital.

His stay there was to last just over 11 weeks. Two weeks after the Armistice, on Monday, 25th November, 1918 Cecil died. The cause of death was stated as ‘Compound fracture femur and thigh received in Action and pneumonia.’ It is not known if he was successfully recovering from his severe wound but, in this period, many of the deaths recorded as pneumonia were as a result of the so-called Spanish Flu pandemic.

Cecil was brought home and his body laid to rest in Cheshunt Cemetery. He was survived by his mother and father. Cecil and his fiancée’s plans to marry were never to be realised.

Cecil’s signature from the college Register. On arrival for his first term.
Researcher and Author: John Vickers


For all general Winchester Training College records please see the list of University of Winchester sources at the end of the following Sources list.

Ancestry (2018). Home page. [online] Available at: www.ancestry.co.uk [Accessed 2018]

British Newspaper Archive (2018). Hampshire Advertiser, Wednesday 2nd September, 1874. [online] Available at: www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk [Accessed 2018]

Commonwealth War Graves Commission, (2018). Home page. [online] Available at www.cwgc.org/ [Accessed 2018]

Hartley, J. (2015). Bully Beef and Biscuits: Food in the Great War. Barnsley: Pen and Sword Books

Newbattle at War (2018). 160th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery. [online] Available at http://www.newbattleatwar.com/
apps/photos/photo?photoid=3066579 [Accessed 2018]

Rose, M. (1981). A history of King Alfred’s College, Winchester 1840-1980. London: Phillimore

Temke, Anna. Photographs, courtesy of (Ancestry, see above)

Vickers, J. The University of Winchester Chapel Memorial Rail image

University of Winchester Archive at Hampshire Record Office

All the following documents are general background resources for the WTC Fallen project and provide general period background of students, college life, staff, activities, etc. The Finding Numbers are given to aid archive searches.

47M91W/P2/4 The Wintonian 1899-1900
47M91W/P2/5 The Wintonian 1901-1902
47M91W/P2/6 The Wintonian 1903-1904
47M91W/P2/7 The Wintonian 1904-1906
47M91W/P2/8 The Wintonian 1905-1907
47M91W/P2/10 The Wintonian 1908-1910
47M91W/P2/11 The Wintonian 1910-1914
47M91W/P2/12 The Wintonian 1920-1925
47M91W/D1/2 The Student Register
47M91W/S5/5/10 Photograph of 5 alumni in Mesopotamia
47M91W/Q3/6 A Khaki Diary
47M91W/B1/2 Reports of Training College 1913-1914
47M91W/Q1/5 Report and Balance Sheets 1904- 1949
47M91W/R2/5 History of the Volunteers Company 1910
47M91W/L1/2 College Rules 1920
55M81W/PJ1 Managers’ Minute Book 1876-1903
71M88W/6 List of Prisoners at Kut

All material referenced as 47M91W/ is the copyright of The University of Winchester. Permission to reproduce photographs and other material for this narrative has been agreed by the University and Hampshire Record Office.

  1. He was an MP from 1864 and held a succession of Cabinet positions, becoming Chancellor of the Exchequer and Leader of the House of Commons.
  2. Board School, Milton Street. Boys’ school erected in 1882, for 310 children; average attendance, 269; Arthur J. Jones, master; Girls’ school erected in 1874, for 350; average attendance, 255; Miss Marian Walker, mistress; Infants’ school erected in 1878, for 400 children; average attendance, 270; Miss Kate Rosewell, mistress. Source: Kelly’s Directory of Essex, 1902
  3. Henry’s father was Robert Dobson. Born 1826 in Newton, Yorkshire, he was schoolmaster in Wilton, North Yorkshire. He died in 1880 in nearby Sinnington. In such a small rural village. It is likely that Henry would have been taught by his father.
  4. Part-songs for men’s voices
  5. 1914. Source: The Wintonian 1910-1914 collection
  6. NCO ranks, from low to high, were Gunner, Bombardier, Corporal